Sarah Krasnostein uses a brilliant mix of lived experience and analysis to make the system wide case for the mental health system to provide evidence based treatment for people living with BPD. This makes explicit the data underscoring our work.
NB Caution - Some people may find the content distressing. Please be mindful of your wellbeing before reading or listening.
A Quarterly Essay, Issue 85, 2022, by Sarah Krasnostein is titled: Not Waving, Drowning: mental illness and vulnerability in Australia. It underscores our We Need Your Voice campaign about the personal and system-wide costs that could be saved if people living with the mental distress currently diagnosed as BPD could access evidence-based assessment, treatment and supports. Through three case studies, Sarah documents how the experiences of the mental health system too often leads to iatrogenic harm, distress, lack of trust and hostility, rather than positive outcomes.
Order your hard copy here or find it for free on Audible here.