Advocacy & Support for

Borderline Personality Disorder
& Complex Trauma

News & Events

Advocate for BPD in the upcoming Federal Elections

Please ask your candidates for the 2022 Elections to show their support for the National Consensus Statement by, with and for people impacted by borderline personality disorder (BPD)

With a Federal Election to be announced soon please email your local candidates asking them to show their support for our National Consensus Statement by, with and for people impacted by borderline personality disorder (BPD).  The statement is available to read here.

We have prepared a proforma letter that you may wish to include in your email or write your own. The letter and the contact details of your local members can be accessed via the  Advocacy tab above.  If you feel comfortable please include a paragraph or two on why the provision of timely and appropriate services for BPD is important to you – politicians want to hear what’s important for their constituents and the personal letter makes them take more notice.

Ask your family and friends to contact their candidates as well.