Advocacy & Support for

Borderline Personality Disorder
& Complex Trauma

BPD Awareness Week 2022 - BPD: See the Person

People living with borderline personality disorder (BPD) often find that their diagnosis is the first and only thing other people see. The 2022 BPD Awareness Week campaign encourages everyone to see the person alongside their BPD diagnosis, symptoms and survival actions. We’re all complete and unique individuals, each with our own strengths and challenges.

The growing body of mental health knowledge recognises the diversity of life experiences: the role genetics can play, experiences of gender identity, sexual orientation, neurodiversity or trauma can all contribute to our well-being. It’s a universal experience to be assigned various labels throughout our lifetime - and many people living with a BPD diagnosis experience stigma. We all share the fundamental need to be treated with respect and dignity, free from stigma and discrimination.

This year’s message reminds us to look at the person alongside the labels, ask what their experiences are and how they continue to make sense of the world. For carers, family, friends, supporters and clinicians it’s a reminder that underneath negative or harmful coping behaviours a person can often be struggling. Let’s celebrate the person they are alongside their diagnosis, acknowledging their strengths, resilience and courage in order to SEE THE PERSON !

This campaign is informative and educational, having been co-designed and co-produced by the strong voices of people with lived experience to promote recovery, positivity and hope.

Online Events

Info session: Alternatives to suicide (Alt2Su) Groups

Alt2Su (Alternatives to Suicide) is a peer-based group space approach to supporting people who have made suicidal attempts or who experience suicidal thoughts.

Research on the model of peer-to-peer support groups as an alternative to medicalised models of response will be discussed, and ways to access the Alt2Su space.

This session is directed at clinicians, people with lived experience, and those who support them.

Alt2Su in NSW is proudly supported by inside out & associates australia
To see information about groups around Australia (some are available via zoom) 

Borderline Personality Disorder and the brain: Affect

Dr Charlotte van Schie (Project Air in NSW) and Mahlie Jewell (LIving Arts Therapy) blend scientific discussion, clinical practice and lived experience and provide information on how brain functioning may impact affect (emotion regulation) and demonstrate how this knowledge can inform strategies to move past challenges using psychoeducation and structured art-based process and practice.

Professor Anthony Ruocco talks to Project Air Strategy about Personality Disorder and the Brain

Factsheet    |    Postcards


See the Person: A webinar with Lived Experience speaker Evelyn Snook

Evelyn will share their lived experience journey with borderline personality disorder.
About Evelyn Snook
Evelyn is an actor, writer and storyteller with a background in physical theatre and dance, who trained as a classical and contemporary dancer from a young age.
Evelyn wrote and performed in their debut solo work ‘Borderline’ at The Blue Room Theatre in the 2021 Development Season. They are inspired by physical theatre, poetry, storytelling and lived experience of mental illness and recovery.  


A closer look at dissociative experiences in borderline personality disorder (BPD)

Psychologist Sarah Swannell draws on research and theory, highlighting the need for improved screening for dissociation, targeted education and training for mental health professionals.  Download Slides (unfortunately we are unable to share the recording).



Download 2022 Info Flyer

Download 2022 Event Template - Face-to Face Event

Download 2022 Event Template - Online Event


2022 Ambassador

Natasha Swingler is our 2022 ambassador.


Social Media - Keep up to date with the latest events!
#bpdawarenessweek2022  #bpdawarenessweek #borderlinepersonalitydisorder #bpd #australianbpdfoundation #ozbpd



Please click on the GiveNow link if you feel able to support us to develop and print new resources and refresh the BPD Awareness Week website.  


We wish to acknowledge the financial support for the 2022 campaign from: