Advocacy & Support for

Borderline Personality Disorder
& Complex Trauma

Advocacy & Submissions

Consultations explore issues surrounding mental health and offer you an opportunity to have a say and have your voice heard.

More people are speaking about their lived experience of living with or supporting someone with BPD. 

Tips and Tricks for Lived Experience Advocacy factsheet has been developed by the Foundation to guide safe sharing. 


  • Mental Health Equity and Access Forum - 30/01/2023
    We submitted our top 3 priorities to advocate for equity and access for people with personality disorder and complex trauma to be considered alongside the Government's post-evaluation review of the Medicare Better Access scheme. 


  • Federal Campaign

Template email to send to your Federal Senators and Members

Contact details of Federal Senators and Members 

  • State Campaign

Template emails to send to your State Members 

Contact Details of State Members

ACT  |  NSW  |  NT  |  QLD  | SA  | Tas  |  VIC  |  WA


Show your support for the Consensus Statement 



  • Productivity Commission: Mental Health
    In October 2018, the Government announced a Productivity Commission inquiry into the role of mental health in supporting economic participation and enhancing the nation’s productivity. Thank you to everyone who shared there experiences to inform our paper. Download our submission.  

  • Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality & Safety
    We feel this is an important area - the the lack of knowledge around the diagnosis of BPD and how to appropriately care for the aged population who have a diagnosis of BPD is potentially resulting in unnecessary distress for the person (inappropriate interactions and possibly overuse of restraints), their family and to service providers (either 'in home care' services or within an aged care facility). Download our submission.

  • Victorian Government Royal Commission into Mental Health 
    The Commissioners conducting the Royal Commission are Penny Armytage (Chair), Associate Professor Alex Cockram, Professor Allan Fels and Professor Bernadette McSherry. Professor Patrick McGorry has been appointed Chair of the Expert Advisory Panel.

    The Commissioners are tasked with 'investigating and reporting on how Victoria's mental health system can most effectively prevent mental illness, and deliver treatment, care and support so that all those in the Victorian community can experience their best mental health, now and into the future'.

    The Foundation responded to the Consultation to determine the Terms of Reference. We asked that the Victorian Royal Commission into Mental Health specifically investigate the serious problems experienced by people with (or a probable) diagnosis of a PERSONALITY DISORDER within its Terms of Reference.

    Thank you to everyone who shared their experiences to inform our submission.  We incorporated as many as we could. Download our submission

    In 2020 our President Rita Brown was invited to present a witness statement to the Commission.