Advocacy & Support for

Borderline Personality Disorder
& Complex Trauma


A Carer responds

A carer responds to a number of frequently asked questions in this series of short videos

What is borderline personality disorder?

Does a diagnosis of a personality disorder mean that you have a broken a broken personality?

Getting a diagnosis of BPD

Will people with BPD recover?

What's a good way to characterise recovery from BPD?

Should we rename BPD?

How can a family member help someone with BPD?

What can I do about self-harm?

A Psychiatrist responds

A/Prof Sathya Rao, a psychiatrist, responds to a number of frequently asked questions he is frequently asked in this series of short videos.  Associate Professor Sathya Rao is the Executive Clinical Director of Spectrum the Victorian Statewide Service Specialising in Personality Disorder and Complex Trauma, 

 What causes BPD? Is it caused by trauma?

BPD: Will I get well and how long will it take?

BPD: What needs to happen to get well and how does talk therapy help?

BPD: Can clinicians prescribe medication for people living with BPD

BPD: What about co existing conditions?

BPD: How can a family member or friend help a person living with BPD?

BPD: Why wont you admit me to hospital when I feel suicidal?

BPD: Appropriate use of short term hospital admission