Advocacy & Support for

Borderline Personality Disorder
& Complex Trauma

We Need Your Voice 2022

To ensure Australians living with BPD receive effective treatment and the best chance of recovery (and their support network receive education and support) we need our Federal and State politicians to understand more about borderline personality disorder and commit resources to make real change. 

We have developed a National Consensus Statement that we have delivered to the Federal and State Ministers and Shadow Ministers for Health/Mental Health. You can help us make Australia’s political leaders sit up and really take notice of the challenges and opportunities facing people with BPD and their families by making your voice heard and showing your support for the statement.

Endorsed by many organisations in the Australian mental health sector, it was presented to the former Minister for Mental Health and will now be sent to the new  Minister for Mental Health, the Honourable Emma McBride MP, and all new Federal MPs and Senators.  We invite you to add your voice to ours by sending an email to your newly (re-)elected Federal MPs and Senators (as well as your State MPs) to ask them to show their support for timely and equitable access to appropriate treatment and support our Statement. 

We have prepared  proforma emails that you may wish to send or write your own. If you feel comfortable please include a paragraph or two on why this is important to you – politicians want to hear what’s important for their constituents and the personal letter makes them take more notice.

Please ask your family and friends to contact their representatives as well.

Show your support for the National Consensus Statement

Template email to send to your Federal Members of Parliament and Senators

Contact details of Senators and Members (as at June 2022).  It is anticipated that this website will be updated soon.

Template email to send to your State Members of Parliament

Contact Details of State Members

ACT  |  NSW  |  NT  |  Qld  | SA  | Tas  |  Vic  |  WA

Endorsed by: