Advocacy & Support for

Borderline Personality Disorder
& Complex Trauma

SA Directory

Mental health emergency - call 13 14 65
Mental Health Triage Service (Assessment and Crisis Intervention Service)

13 14 65 available 24 hours, seven days a week

  • This service is the main point of access into mental health services and can provide advice and information in a mental health emergency or crisis situation
  • It is staffed by mental health clinicians who will assess and refer to Assessment and Crisis Intervention Service (ACIS) teams where appropriate. 

SA Health
08 8226 6000 (General Enquiries) 

Mental Health Service Directory (Mental Health Coalition of SA)
A searchable database for services in SA

Youth mental health services (aged 16 to 24 years) 

The BPD Collaborative (BPD Co)
SA state-wide service has been developed in response to the demonstrated need for enhanced, evidence-based BPD service development in South Australia, tailored to the needs of consumers, carers and clinicians.

A website specifically for people with a lived experience of BPD, carers, clinicians and service  providers in South Australia.

Organisations and Services supporting the LGBTIQA+ community (NB not specific for BPD) Need to scroll down to access SA links.

SANCTUARY BPD Carer Support Group
A support group for anyone who cares for a family member or friend who has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, or experiences it's symptoms (emotion dysregulation). Carers are welcome to join the monthly Sanctuary meeting in person or online.    Download their brochure here.  Email.

Alternatives to Suicide
Alt2Su meetings use a peer-based approach to supporting people who have made suicidal attempts or who have experienced suicidal thoughts. Peer-to-peer mutual support groups provide a space for voicing, sitting with, understanding and moving through suicidal thoughts. Click here to view current meetings in South Australia.

Safe Haven and Mental Health After-hours Walk-in Centres

LELAN Lived Experience Reflection Network
LELAN is the SA independent peak body for people with lived experience of mental distress, social issues or injustice, and offer training to people with lived experience interested in advocating for change. Click here for Lived experience Online Learning Modules and click here for lived experience Workshops and Events.

Family Connections Program (NEABPD Australia)
The 12 week Family Connections program is designed to provide parents, spouses, adult children, and siblings the knowledge and skills that will be helpful to them for their own well being in living with a relative with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). The program also helps those relatives build a support network with other individuals with a relative with BPD. To register your interest contact NEABPD Australia via email

Lived Experience Telephone Support Service 
LETSS provides information about mental health topics, navigation of the SA mental health system, and real time support when you need it. Phone service (non-crisis) and online chat available every day of the year 5:00 pm to 11:30pm. Ph: 1800 013 755

Skylight (formerly Mental Illness Fellowship SA)
Skylight offers a range of services for people who experience mental illness and for their family and friends who care for them. We provide support and information, build community awareness and advocate for improved mental health policy and services.

Know Your Options
Finding Help for Alcohol and Other Drug Problems (in SA)

Action Plan for People Living with Borderline Personality Disorder 2017–2020 
The South Australian Mental Health Commission has developed the State’s first Action Plan for People Living with Borderline Personality Disorder 2017–2020. A Project Steering Group was established in June 2016 to develop the Action Plan, which will be released in late 2016.

This Action Plan aims to assist people living BPD and their significant others, families and carers by contributing to the provision of better access to mental health care to improve the health and wellbeing of people living with BPD. For more information click here