Advocacy & Support for

Borderline Personality Disorder
& Complex Trauma

WA Directory

2021 - Statewide Model of Care for Personality Disorders

The development of the Statewide Model of Care for Personality Disorders was funded by the WA Mental Health Commission (MHC) and undertaken by the WA Association for Mental Health (WAAMH), in partnership with the Mental Health Network and the Personality Disorders Sub Network
Full report    |    Summary


Mental Health Emergency Response Line (MHERL) is a 24-hour telephone service for people in the Perth metropolitan area experiencing a mental health crisis. 1300 555 788 (Perth); 1800 676 822 (Peel region)

This is not a comprehensive list of all services for people with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) in Western Australia. If you know of any other services, please let us know.

Public sector services
Services for young people
Private Sector Services
Private psychiatric clinics
Non-government/ Community Managed Organisations (NGO/CMO Services)
Services for family and carers 
Services for Clinicians
Telephone Services

Public Sector Services: Most public sector services need a referral and are usually only available to people who meet the service criteria and live in the service area unless otherwise noted below.

▪ Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Program at Osborne Park Mental Health Service 9346 8350
▪ Hampton Road Service (10 bed residential) 9433 2509
▪ Open Borders run from Hampton Road Service 9433 2509 State-wide Service
▪ Fremantle Hospital Mental Health Service (Alma Street Centre) - DBT group programs 9431 3555
▪ Bunbury Mental Health Clinic - DBT program 9722 1300
▪ Peel Community Mental Health Service 9531 8080
▪ Rockingham Kwinana Mental Health Service provide- DBT group and Individual interventions for clients with BPD 9528 0600 ▪ Wanslea - Copmi service provides services for children of parents with BPD, ask to speak to the duty social worker 9245 2441

▪ Safe Haven Cafes- Safe Haven Cafés work alongside emergency departments during after-hours and are for people experiencing mental health issues. They offer peer-based support for those who may otherwise attend emergency departments, but do not need intensive clinical and medical support. 
Royal Perth Hospital - Fri to Sun - 3:00pm to 7:45pm 
Kununurra District Hospital - Wed-Sat 4:30pm-10:00pm Details

Services for young people

▪ Bentley Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS) - Touchstone program 9416 3746 for young people under 18, needs a referral from a metropolitan CAMHS Metro wide service
▪ Youth Axis 1300 362 569
▪ Bunbury CAMHS 9722 1300
▪ Clarkson mental health youth service- DBT program 9400 9599
▪ Headspace
Lifeline WA DBTeen Program Referrals. The DBTeen Program is a 12-week DBT based skills groups for young people (aged 14-18) run in the Northern, North Eastern, South Eastern, Central and Southern suburbs. Ph: (08) 9261 4402 

The Mental Health Commission website has a list of all Public Mental Health Services in the state, including community services and inpatient wards.

There are no BPD specific public mental health services in regional Western Australia apart from those in the southwest listed above.

Private Sector Services:

To access Medicare rebated psychiatric or psychological services you will need a referral from a GP. With a GP referral and mental health care plan, Medicare rebates are available for up to 10 sessions with a psychologist. Your GP may know of an appropriate psychologist, or you can do a search:

Find a clinical psychologist

Find a registered psychologist

To access a private psychiatrist, you will also need a referral from your GP. Your GP might know of an appropriate psychiatrist or you can search on the RANZCP website: Find a psychiatrist

Counselling services provided by counsellors and social workers can also be helpful:

PACFA Counsellors
ACA Counsellors
Find a social worker

Private psychiatric clinics:
The following private psychiatric clinics run day programs suitable for people with BPD. You will need to have private health insurance with full psychiatric cover. You will also need a referral from a private psychiatrist with admitting rights to the relevant clinic.

The Hollywood Clinic 9346 6801
Marian Centre 9380 4999
Perth Clinic 9481 4888
Abbotsford Private Hospital 9381 1833

The private clinics listed above also provide inpatient admissions.

Non-government/ Community Managed Organisations (NGO/CMO Services):

▪ Neami Joondalup Mental Health Step-up Step Down 6200 9165
▪ Kwelena step up, step down in Rockingham 9528 9000
▪ Richmond Wellbeing - Hearing Voices Program; Website or email
▪ Richmond Wellbeing - Recovery House contact 9451 5362
▪ 360 Alive Health - Suicide Prevention Program 1300 706 922
▪ Mental Illness Fellowship WA (MIFWA) - My Recovery 9237 8900;
▪ MIFWA - Early Intervention Recovery Program 9237 8900 - email
▪ RUAH – Emergency Department - peer support program at RPH and Rockingham 13 78 24
▪ RUAH Mental Health and Wellness 13 78 24 (currently long waiting list)
▪ LAMP – Busselton, non-clinical services, NDIS provider, GP or self-referral, 9754 1834
▪ Pathways Southwest - COPE – DBT informed program 9791 1257
▪ Alt2Su meetings use a peer-based approach to supporting people who have made suicidal attempts or who have experienced suicidal thoughts. Peer-to-peer mutual support groups provide a space for voicing, sitting with, understanding and moving through suicidal thoughts. Information for Alt2Su meetings can be accessed via Connect Groups or DischargedClick here for information about the Monday 6-7pm meeting which runs face to face and online via Zoom.

Services for family and carers

Family Connections Program (NEABPD Australia) or email

Family Guidelines PDF Link

Mental Illness Fellowship of WA (MIFWA)
Family members can feel concern, guilt and fear. We can talk with you about your situation, offer information and support. MIFWA aim to provide mutual peer support, promote resilience and coping skills, and increase understanding. Contact MIFWA (08) 9237 8900

BPD Support Group for Families, Carers and Friends (MIFWA)
This peer facilitated group offers support to those in a caring or support role of a family member or friend who experiences BPD or similar traits. Group members meet every 2nd Wednesday of the month from 5:30 pm to 7:00pm. Alternates between in person/ online meetings. Registrations are essential through MIFWA Carer Services on 9237 8900 or here to view their current 2023 calendar.

▪ Online Parent Support Group (MIFWA)
This support group is for those parents/carer supporting young people (not BPD specific). Meet 1st Thursday of each month. Contact Caroline at MIFWA (08) 9237-8900 or click here for the Flyer.

▪ Pathways Southwest – Family Connections Program 9791 1257

▪ Helping Minds – Family Connections Program; other carer support services 9427 7100

Wanslea – COPMI 9245 2441

▪ Mental Health First Aid Courses
Not BPD specific, but can assist with confidence in responding to non-suicidal self-harm, psychosis and suicidal ideation. Designed for specific groups such as youth, older person, aboriginal and for teens assisting their peers. 

▪ Helping Minds- BPD Information & Support
Informative information about BPD for carers. 

Services for Clinicians

▪ Clinical Practice Guidelines for BPD
▪ National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder (NEA BPD) Online modules
▪ National Mental Health Consumer and Carer Forum (NMHCCF) Borderline Personality Disorder Advocacy Brief 
▪ WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) has a BPD online ‘Health Pathway’ that is aimed at providing info about the disorder with tips and guidance on management.
▪ New York Presbyterian Hospital BPD Resource Centre

Telephone Services – these services are not designed specifically for people with BPD or their families but may be helpful.

▪ Lifeline 13 11 14
▪ Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
▪ Rurallink 1800 552 002 after hours service
▪ QLife 1800 184 527
▪ Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636
▪ Sane Support Service 1800 187 263
▪ MHERL Metro 1300 555 788,
▪ MHERL Peel 1800 676 822
▪ Alcohol and Drug Support Line Metro 9442 5000; Country 1800 198 024
▪ 1800RESPECT 1800 737 732
Peer Pathways Helpline (08) 9447 2809
WA statewide helpline for people with mental health challenges to find the supports and services. (Not BPD specific) Phone - 9:00 am to 5:00 pm M-F (AWST).


This list has been compiled by Mental Illness Fellowship of WA (MIFWA) for the Australian BPD Foundation Limited (WA Branch). It is based on an information tree provided by WA Branch members and collated by Lorraine Powell. Oct 2022

WA Mental Health Commission inc Mental Health Network

Personality Disorders Mental Health Sub Network Establishment Report


Consumers of Mental Health WA (Inc.) (CoMHWA) is the peak body in WA for people with lived experience of mental health issues. CoMHWA coordinates, promotes and supports the consumer voice within mental health services and the wider community. Provides education, peer support and systemic advocacy for people with lived experience of mental health issues. (not BPD specific). Ph: (08) 9258 8911

Mental Health Advocacy Service - a free independent service helping people with a mental illness know and protect their rights. Phone: 1800 999 057 or 08 6234 6300

Western Australian Association for Mental Health (WAAMH) is the peak mental health representative body in Western Australia for non-government not-for-profit agencies that operate for the benefit of people affected by mental illness. WAAMH supports and encourages the development of the non-government not-for-profit mental health sector for the benefit of people affected by mental illness.

Mental Health Matters 2
......a volunteer action and advocacy group based in Perth, Western Australia

Mental Health Law Centre (WA)

Mental Health Law Centre is a not-for-profit specialist legal service that assists clients whose mental illnesses are causally connected to their legal issues, particularly those relating to the Western Australian state mental health system; crime; human rights (guardianship and administration); and criminal injuries compensation.

MIFWA's Recovery program is for people with lived experience of mental illness who are interested in taking steps toward recovery. (Not BPD specific). Ph (08) 9237 8900 

WA Peer Supporters’ Network (WAPSN)
Provide free education and group supervision to build skills, sustain and thrive in your peer support role. (Not BPD specific) Ph: (08) 9258 8911

WA Recovery College
WARCA courses offer free courses to gain understanding of self and meaning through positive experiences. (Not BPD specific) 

Organisations and Services supporting the LGBTIQA+ community (NB not specific for BPD) Need to scroll down to access WA links.